The Nuclear Savings Rule: 10 Frugal Living Tips from the 1950s Era (From GoBankingRates) [4 Articles]
~ Wednesday, November 1, 2023 Blog Post ~
By Sean Fisher, September 29, 2023
The 1950s, often dubbed the “Golden Age,” saw rapid social and economic changes, with a move towards suburban living, a boom in post-war industry, and the birth of modern consumerism. However, with memories of the Great Depression still fresh, many maintained a frugal lifestyle.
The wisdom from this era can still provide us with valuable lessons on saving money today. Let’s take a step back in time and explore the “Nuclear Savings Rule” with these ten frugal living tips from the 1950s:
Mend and Make Do
Instead of discarding torn clothing or broken items, the 1950s saw a culture of mending, sewing, and fixing. Fast-fashion from Target and Walmart may seem cheap, but compared to a needle and a thread — can’t beat that deal. This not only saved money but also extended the life of possessions.
Cook at Home
Dining out was a rare treat. Families often cooked meals at home, using fresh, local ingredients. This not only ensured healthier eating but was also easier on the pocket. The 1950s was also the decade of the “T.V. dinner”, which isn’t necessarily the healthiest option, but a cheaper treat than the local restaurant.
Use Public Transportation
Many families in the 1950s owned just one car or none at all. Public transportation, walking, or biking were commonly used modes of transport, saving money and promoting a more active lifestyle. And if you think public transportation may be too boring just remember the 1950s didn’t even have handheld music players or audio books or podcasts or smartphones or etc. So skip that Uber ride next time and slide the bus driver that cheap fare 50s style.
Limit Credit Use
The concept of buying something with money you didn’t yet have was foreign to many. People preferred to save up for bigger purchases and avoid accumulating debt. Stop thinking about credit card rewards and start putting that king-cash in your piggy bank.
Grow Your Food
Many households maintained vegetable gardens or even kept chickens. Growing your food ensured a fresh supply and also helped cut down grocery bills. If you live in an apartment or condominium situation (or just don’t got the plot), consider simple plants such as basil and cherry tomatoes on the windowsill.
Simple Entertainment
Instead of splurging on expensive outings, families would often gather around the radio, play board games, or enjoy a picnic in the local park. This could save you big money on that two-day Disneyworld trip or Airbnb, and instead do it nuclear style, with a once a week picnic, or fishing venture. Cheap as heck and more intimate family bonding.
Reuse and Repurpose
Glass jars, newspapers, and fabric scraps were never thrown away. They were repurposed for storing food, wrapping items, or making homemade crafts.
Clothes were often handed down from one sibling to another or even across generations. This culture drastically reduced the need for new clothing purchases for growing families. Make back-to-school shopping easy the nuclear way — some school supplies and taking your older brother’s denims.
Shop with a List
Impulse buying was less common. Households often planned their purchases, shopping with a list to ensure they bought only what was needed and avoided unnecessary expenses. Pencil and a notepad? Priceless.
Embrace Simplicity
The 1950s lifestyle emphasized contentment with simplicity. Instead of constantly upgrading or following the latest trends, people found joy in the basics and cherished what they had.
While times have changed, and modern conveniences have reshaped our lives, the frugal wisdom of the 1950s remains evergreen.
The “Nuclear Savings Rule” isn’t just about saving pennies; it’s about appreciating the value of things, understanding the difference between wants and needs, and finding contentment in simplicity. In an era of rampant consumerism, these vintage tips might just be the key to a balanced and financially secure life.
Article #2: The Nuclear Savings Rule: 10 Reasons Why the 1950s Frugal Living Tips May Not Work in 2023 (From GoBankingRates)
By Sean Fisher, October 29, 2023
The 1950s have often been romanticized for their frugal wisdom, giving rise to the “Nuclear Savings Rule.” While some of these lessons may still be applicable today, it’s important to recognize that many may not necessarily fit seamlessly into the lifestyles of 2023. Let’s explore the limitations of these vintage money-saving tips in the modern era.
1. Rapid Technological Changes
The 1950s didn’t have to contend with the speed of technological innovation that we see today. Gadgets become obsolete quickly, making “cherishing what they had” a challenge when software updates stop or devices become incompatible with modern apps.
2. Increased Cost of Living
While the principles of the “Nuclear Savings Rule” emphasize simplicity, the reality is that many people in 2023 face significantly higher costs of living. Expenses like housing, healthcare, and education have far outpaced inflation, making some 1950s frugality tips less impactful.
3. Globalization & Fast Fashion
The “mend and make do” culture is at odds with the era of fast fashion, which promotes disposable clothing. Globalization has made it cheaper to produce and purchase new clothes rather than mend old ones.
4. Changing Food Landscape
While growing your food might have been commonplace in the 1950s, urbanization and limited space make this challenging in modern cities. Furthermore, processed foods often have a competitive price point compared to fresh, local ingredients due to mass production and subsidies.
5. The Digital Age of Entertainment
Entertainment has moved from the radio and board games to online streaming, video games, and virtual experiences. While these come with costs, they also offer diverse forms of relaxation, education, and global connection.
6. The Rise of Gig Economy & Credit Culture
Credit has become an integral part of modern financial management. From establishing creditworthiness for home loans to leveraging rewards, it’s challenging to limit credit use entirely. Additionally, the gig economy often necessitates certain expenses that can’t be deferred until savings accumulate.
7. Modern Transportation Needs
While public transport remains a frugal choice, the structure of modern cities and suburban living often necessitates personal vehicles, especially in areas where public transportation infrastructure hasn’t kept up with urban sprawl.
8. Evolving Social Norms
Hand-me-downs and reusing items can be eco-friendly. However, modern culture often associates success and personal value with newness. Overcoming this mindset can be a challenge, making it harder to follow such 1950s principles consistently.
9. The Environmental Cost
Some 1950s habits, like the widespread use of plastics (T.V. dinners, for instance), don’t align with the sustainability goals of 2023. Modern frugality often intersects with eco-conscious decisions, which might sometimes be more costly upfront.
10. Dynamic Global Economy
The global economy’s interconnected nature means that economic downturns in one area can quickly ripple across the world. This interconnectedness requires a more dynamic approach to savings and expenditures than the static rules of the 1950s.
While the “Nuclear Savings Rule” provides a nostalgic look at frugality, it’s crucial to adapt its principles to align with the contemporary world’s challenges and benefits. A blend of vintage wisdom with modern adaptability might just be the key to financial well-being in 2023.
Article #3: Dave Ramsey: 10 Brilliant Things To Do With Your Money (From GoBankingRates)
By Andrew Lisa, October 30, 2023
Dave Ramsey is one of the country’s most celebrated personal finance gurus, a famous radio host, a successful businessman and a bestselling author. He’s also a self-made man who started with nothing and built a seven-figure net worth and a $250,000 annual income by age 26.
Now in his early 60s, he has spent many of the years between getting even richer by helping other people build wealth of their own. Here’s a look at some of the choicest wisdom and most sage advice that Dave Ramsey has doled out along the way to his legions of loyal followers.
Eliminate Debt Before You Invest
The №1 rule of the Ramsey investing philosophy is not to invest a dime — at least not until you eliminate all of your toxic debt, which he considers to be pretty much everything but your mortgage. Ramsey insists that you can’t build wealth when your primary wealth-building tool — your income — is tied up in monthly finance charges.
Harness the Power of the Snowball Method
Eliminating debt is easy to talk about but hard to do, which is why Ramsey is a longtime advocate of the so-called snowball method. This debt-reduction strategy requires you to attack your debts in order of smallest to largest, allowing you to chalk up quick wins that close outstanding accounts while boosting your confidence along the way.
Once it’s time to confront your truly scary debts, you’ll have momentum on your side — plus, you’ll be able to concentrate only on them now that your smaller debts are no longer nipping at your heels.
Build an Emergency Fund Before You Build Wealth
The first half of Ramsey’s top investing rule is to get out of debt. The second is to fully fund your emergency savings before you try to grow your money on the market. Eliminating debt puts you on solid financial ground; but, without enough cash in the bank to cover three to six months’ worth of expenses, you’re just one emergency away from being forced to tap into your retirement account.
Give 15% of Every Paycheck to Your Future Self
Once you’re free of debt and sitting on enough savings to survive at least a quarter of a year, Ramsey says the most important thing you can do with your paycheck is to save 15% of it — each and every pay period — in a tax-advantaged account. The best option is usually a 401(k) because every dollar from an employer match is free money, and free money is always a good thing. But if that’s not an option, a pre-tax IRA or after-tax Roth IRA are the next-best things.
Keeping Up With the Joneses Is an Unwinnable Game — Don’t Play
Sometimes the most important thing isn’t what you do with your money, but what you don’t do.
In “The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness,” Ramsey wrote, “We buy things we don’t need with money we don’t have to impress people we don’t like.”
In today’s world, social media influencers literally bank on your willingness to part with your cash to show off for people you don’t even know, much less like. Frivolous spending is the bane of wealth creation; remember, every dollar you wear is one you don’t save.
Utilize Money-Saving Technology
Modern society has access to incredible gadgets and software applications that would have been unimaginable just one generation ago. Many of them can save you money — and Ramsey wants you to take advantage of each and every one.
That includes smart thermostats for lowering utility bills, banking apps that let you automate savings, smart-shopping and coupon apps, budgeting apps and more.
Or, Buck the Trend and Go Low Tech
Technology can offer convenient tools for saving and growing your money, but Ramsey has plenty of followers who have built wealth the old-fashioned way. On his blog, Ramsey profiled a student named Kay N. who said, “Go old school and balance your checking account. This is essential! Balance your checking account so you know where you’re at and then begin with a basic budget. It’s all about taking baby steps.”
Put What You Already Know Into Practice
Acquiring knowledge is always a noble endeavor — unless it leads to paralysis by analysis. Remember that every hour you spend learning about new ways to manage and grow your money is one you don’t spend building a budget, creating a spending plan and investing for your future. Sure, you’d be wise to learn more as you go, but get started now with what you already know.
In “The Total Money Makeover (Classic Edition): A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness,” Ramsey wrote, “Winning at money is 80% behavior and 20% head knowledge. What to do isn’t the problem; doing it is. Most of us know what to do, but we just don’t do it. If I can control the guy in the mirror, I can be skinny and rich.”
Never Enter a Grocery Store Without a Plan
On his blog, Ramsey cites USDA research that shows even the thrifty average family of four spends nearly $1,000 per month on groceries.
But you can shrink that number by eliminating what Ramsey calls “budget busters” — small, unplanned impulse purchases that add up to big money misspent. His solution is to shop only for the ingredients in a predetermined meal plan — and never to deviate from the plan no matter what. He also recommends ordering online and picking up your groceries to avoid temptation — or at least leaving the kids at home when you go to the supermarket.
Know What You Don’t Know and Work With a Pro
According to his own blog, Ramsey still works with a professional advisor to help guide his investments and overall financial strategy. No matter how much you keep up with news and trends, a good money pro will have greater insight and a better perspective based on their own experience and what you tell them about your goals, strategy and circumstances.
Article #4: Warren Buffett: 12 Things Poor People Waste Money On (From Gobankingrates)
By Sean Fisher, October 28, 2023
Warren Buffett, one of the most successful investors in the world, has a reputation for his simple yet profound financial wisdom.
By addressing these common financial pitfalls, we can all make more informed financial decisions to ensure our money serves us well.
Neglecting Personal Development
According to Buffett, the best investment one can make is in oneself. Enhancing skills and education can boost earning potential significantly. Knowledge and abilities are assets that no one can take away from you.
Relying on Credit Cards
Credit cards can be convenient, but high interest rates can quickly overshadow any benefits if you don’t pay the full balance monthly. Buffett advises against needless spending that could lead to credit card debt.
Frequenting Bars and Pubs
Spending on social activities like drinking at bars can add up. Opting for more affordable social gatherings, like home get-togethers, can help save significantly.
Chasing the Latest Technology
New gadgets may be tempting, but often, last year’s model serves just as well. Buffett himself has a history of sticking to functional rather than flashy tech. It’s important to assess if the latest upgrades genuinely provide added value for the price.
Overspending on Clothes
Buffett, along with other billionaires, leans towards simplicity in his wardrobe. Choosing classic, durable clothes over flashy, expensive brands can result in significant savings.
Buying New Cars
Cars are notorious for their rapid depreciation. Buffett recommends buying pre-owned cars and holding onto them for as long as they’re reliable, instead of falling for the allure of the new models.
Unused Gym Memberships
Buffett promotes an active lifestyle but cautions against unused gym memberships. Free or low-cost fitness routines can be just as effective if regularly practiced.
Unnecessary Subscription Services
Subscription services, if not carefully monitored, can become a financial drain. Review these regularly and cancel those that don’t provide value.
Over-Reliance on Skincare Products
Buffett advises against overusing or needlessly combining skincare products. Finding a simple and effective routine can save both money and your skin.
Regular Nights Out
While socializing is essential, frequent nights out can be a significant expense. Opting for budget-friendly alternatives like home-cooked meals and movie nights can cut costs considerably.
While gambling might seem like a shortcut to wealth, Buffett emphasizes the importance of understanding the odds. He urges people to make financial decisions that favor their long-term wealth accumulation, not momentary thrills.
Smoking, beyond its health implications, is a costly habit. Quitting can lead to a significant boost in your personal budget.
Warren Buffett’s financial advice, grounded in decades of investment experience, offers valuable insights for anyone seeking financial stability. By being mindful of these common money pitfalls and making informed decisions, we can better manage our finances, paving the way for long-term wealth and success.