Me as a Young Foodie, Super Saver, and Investor (25 Images)
~ Friday, December 29, 2023 Blog Post ~
Today, I found the time to revisit my photos from 2015. That time, I was a 31-year-young gastronome who relished spending my money a lot on fine dining and scrumptious foods.
However, I was already a super saver then and a novice investor. I ensured that I was saving my paychecks and already observed the personal finance wisdom that “Every penny counts.” Moreover, I began learning about investing fundamentals.
Fast-forward to today, Friday, December 29, 2023 — which is eight years later — I have become a sophisticated saver and investor. Yes, I’m certainly much wiser with my personal finance life. But I’m not much of a gourmand anymore. I’m not much into fine dining and prefer consuming the food I purchased from the supermarket for the week. I only do fine dining when I’m with family members or friends. I seldom eat fast food nowadays as well. I make sure I eat vegetables and fruits and healthy meals.
Today, I enjoy my money, of course. Yet, it’s very much unlike eight years ago when I didn’t mind spending on anything I find that I like such as accessories and makeups. Like what I have always highlighted here in my blog, I’ve become a mindful spender and a miser. I think my situation is just normal since I’ve become more experienced in life and I’ve outgrown my old spending habits and past interests.