Keeping an Investment Portfolio Relevant / What can a second opinion service offer investors? (From Hartey Wealth Management Ltd. UK)

4 min readJun 28, 2023


~ Wednesday, June 28, 2023 Blog Post ~

By Hartey Wealth Management Ltd. UK, April 24, 2021

Karl Hartey, Hartey Wealth Management co-founder, on Second Opinion Service

If you established your investment mandate and portfolio some time ago, there’s a good chance it may need some revision. In a constantly fluctuating market, adapting and rebalancing your portfolio may be necessary to move your investments out of risk and on to safer ground. There is also a strong possibility, that over time your current portfolio may have strayed from your original brief.

Financial affairs

A second opinion on your financial affairs from an unbiased independent advisor can offer you new insights into your current portfolio and a fresh perspective on how to achieve your long-term investment goals. As well as assisting you to actualise your financial ambitions, an expert advisor can also help quell your concerns about the future, ensuring you feel prepared for unexpected circumstances, retirement and making sure those you leave behind are taken care of.

Looking for a financial advisor in Chester or Shropshire?


If you’re currently seeking a financial advisor in Chester or Shropshire to look over your current portfolio and ensure it is still relevant, you can count on our team. At Hartey Wealth Management we’ve assembled a team of financial experts to operate our Second Opinion Service. This innovative option allows our independent advisors to take an in-depth look with an impartial eye over your present portfolio and ensure it is performing properly.

Whether you’re concerned about inheritance tax and retirement planning, protections or investments, rest assured that your future will be in safe hands. Get in touch today to explore the numerous advantages of our dedicated Second Opinion Service.


YouTube video’s Transcript — Karl Hartey, Hartey Wealth Management co-founder, on Second Opinion Service

Hello, my name is Karl Hartey. I am co-founder here at Hartey Wealth Management, and I’d like to spend a little time just telling you about our Second Opinion Service.

See many of us have bought investments historically. When we buy them, then we forget about them. But what we really should be doing is [are these things] fit for purpose because so many things have changed over the years.

Fund managers may have come and gone, which is quite common; which may affect investment performance. Charges maybe five or ten years ago were considerably higher than where they are today. And there was little or no transparency then in comparison to where we are today.

So what does our Second Opinion Service offer? It allows us to provide an in-depth executive summary of where your investments are.

1) It would look and focus on what risk levels you’re taking;
2) It allows us to look at what the returns have been;
3) It gives us a deep, guided focus on charges historically; and
4) It also looks at the tax situation now and what the tax situation will be in for the future.

From there, we provide you with a report. Then, that’s going to show us where we are today, where we need to be in the future, and what I say the bridge that we need to cross to make any changes.

We will then make sure that we fully disclose any costs that are involved, and then, if you are then comfortable, what we’ll then do is implement those changes on your behalf.

And then, you enter into our wealth management program, which is a 90-day continuous review process upon your investments.

So, if you’d like to know more about our Second Opinion Service, as we find that it does provide tremendous benefit, please contact us via our website ( or give us a telephone call to arrange an appointment. Thank you very much for listening. Thank you.

Karl Hartey


Karl has been working in the realms of financial advice for over 30 years, building solid relationships with clients. Following a short break from advising, Karl and Tristan opened Hartey Wealth Management in 2014. As well as advising Karl brings a whole host of wisdom, knowledge and experience to each and every area of the company and is constantly driving positive changes to improve the service we are offering. He has successfully led the company to win multiple awards over the last few years.

As well as hosting a number of our very own events, he’s been invited to be a main platform speaker at the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table conference in front of thousands of global advisers, along with speaking at multiple international conferences. He has also taken the opportunity to write two books which help to explain the muddled world of finance and its products.


  • Diploma in Financial Advice

Outside Of Work

Karl is a keen mountain biker spending much of his spare time on bike tracks and trails. Alongside this, he thrives on travel and adventures and has taken part in over ten international car rallies around the world. Alongside all of this, Karl is a patron of the Charlotte Hartey Foundation; a charity which is focused on helping children.






Freelance finance writer Sheena Ricarte's interests comprise international finance, economics, personal finance, asset protection law, & investment management.

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