I Want to Be Much “Time-Wealthier” from 2023 Onwards.
~ Thursday, December 22, 2022 Blog Post ~
As 2022 draws to a close, I really do not have any regrets for this year. I’m also very much looking forward to 2023.
I just have some resolutions I want to fulfill this coming New Year 2023. I want to become much “time-wealth-IER.” Don’t get me wrong: I’m very organized in terms of my daily schedule and I hate wasting my time.
However, I realized there are just some activities that I don’t find necessary and are merely a waste of my precious time.
I want to become much time-wealthier and just spend my time on INTELLECTUAL THINGS that deliver TREMENDOUS VALUE to MY FANTASTIC LIFE.
Therefore, I came up with five specific ways to achieve my desired target of becoming much “time-wealthIER” this 2023 onwards and they are the following:
1) Spend less and less time scrolling on my Facebook news feed.
I realized that adult life is about dealing with one’s personal issues by oneself or with close friends and family members.
Therefore, I really do not have to bother myself about other people’s problems or whatever situations they are subjected to which they share on Facebook and other social media platforms. It’s because I also have my own life and future to think about !
2) Spend less and less time checking the Facebook accounts of family, friends, and so forth.
As much as possible, spend less and less time on social media, except to check business and finance news and the day’s important reports.
I treat social media like TV. I selectively read only what I find interesting and relevant to my life.
If I find a social media page posting articles and images I don’t like, then, similar to watching TV, I just stop “watching” the page’s posts. I click “Unfollow,” “Snooze for 30 days,” or “Hide post.”
3) Avoid pointless chatter with anyone on Facebook Messenger more and more.
I’ll continue to be a snob then. Haha. I’ll just spend time talking to people that bring genuine value to my life. Haha.
4) Outsource gardening work. Find affordable laborers.
Although I perform the particular housework of gardening quarterly, my parents compensate me for this task. So maybe I will still do it by next year. Just maybe.
5. Move on immediately from any unpleasant happening. Don’t overthink anything.
Unfavorable events take place and deplorable people exist. However, they’re COMPLETELY AVOIDABLE.
These five solutions are what I see as remedies to the things I believe have wasted my time this year.
I want to be much time-wealthier and have more peace of mind. I don’t want anything unnecessary draining my energy, which is a scarce resource similar to time and money.
Again: I want to become much time-wealthier and just spend my time on INTELLECTUAL THINGS that deliver TREMENDOUS VALUE to MY FANTASTIC LIFE.
So help me God.
How the Rich Spend Their Time and What You Could Learn From Them
The currency of the “very rich” is capital and time, and they spend most of their time deciding how to deploy these resources effectively.
This question originally appeared on Quora: How do very rich people spend their days (if they don’t work)?
Answer by Patrick Mathieson, VC at Toba Capital, on Quora
For most of us who have “regular jobs” (in business-speak, we are Individual Contributors), doing “work” means completing tasks in order to generate output/results:
- Salespeople get on the phone in order to sell products.
- Massage therapists give massages in exchange for cash.
- Grave diggers put bodies in the ground so that their bosses don’t yell at them (“what are all these corpses doing in the parking lot, Donald??”).
Now let’s upshift. What do Managers do? They organize the labor of other people to generate aggregate output (the combined output of many individuals):
- A sales manager makes sure that the whole sales team hits its quota.
- The manager of the massage parlor organizes the schedules of the therapists to minimize downtime/waste.
- The director of the mortuary aligns bodies with graves with diggers to ensure maximum throughput of bodies into turf (“seriously, Donald, get these f**king corpses out of here!!!”).
One more upshift… who are the very rich who don’t work? In the capitalist world, these people tend to be the owners of equity & capital. They do work, but not the kind of task-oriented work that Individual Contributors do. It’s a little more similar to what Managers do, except instead of organizing the labor of individual workers/people, they organize the efforts of entire companies and business entities.
Have you ever heard the expression “what gets measured, gets managed”? It means that things get done better/faster when somebody is paying attention to them. I remember one time at my last job, Michael Dell (our CEO) came into the office for a day just to check on how things were going. Even though he was only around for a few hours, our work effort improved by 2–3x for weeks. Attention from the manager (or in this case, the manager of managers) spurred us forward to do better work.
For the “very rich” / equity holders, it’s exactly the same, except the attention is paid towards entire companies, not just teams or offices.
The wealthy businessperson might own 10 companies. She spends her time deciding which of those companies needs to improve the most. Then, she spends her days paying attention to that company (showing up at the office, grilling the CEO, helping them hire some new executives) until things improve. And so on. The currency of the “very rich” is capital and time, and they spend most of their time deciding how to deploy these resources effectively.
Note: Some people — including my mom! — have rightly pointed out that I’m only characterizing one type of “rich person”, and that my definition of “not working” is rather loose. Those are both fair criticisms. What I attempted to do here was characterize the type of independently wealthy person that I come across most often in my life. There are certainly other types of rich people than the type I have described here.
How do very rich people spend their days (if they don’t work)?: originally appeared on Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and access insider knowledge. You can follow Quora on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.